
Oxygen Biotech

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Představení klienta

This information is provided by Oxygen Biotech to present a general outline of the company and its project for the exchange of relevant information for potential collaboration. This material is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may not be altered or further disseminated in any fashion by the recipient for further use. 

Every effort has been made to provide the most accurate information, however, this information is provided “as is” with no guarantee of accuracy, completeness or without any warranties of any kind.


Základem prezentace je investiční porfolio skupiny, které je doplněné o hodnoty a dobročinné aktivity. Grafické zpracování vychází z firemní identity a celá prezentace je tvořena motion designem - žádný PowerPoint🤦‍♂️

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Every effort has been made to provide the most accurate information, however, this information is provided “as is” with no guarantee of accuracy, completeness or without any warranties of any kind.



Čistota a elegance v podobě geometrické typografie je užita napříč celou prezentací. Zlaté tóny spolu s bílou a černou odráží investiční zaměření skupiny.

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